A man of few words and musical artist for much of my life, I felt a stir within me. This stir were feelings within me craving expression, a type of expression that I felt no words of mine could describe but that only music could. Sensing this stir, I decided to compose my own music, infusing into it the colours and shades that had characterised my life to date.
Having composed my music, I wanted to express it through the emanation of soulful sound. It was imperative to me that the any musician that would express alongside me would be able to resonate with the spirit of my music and together, transport its essence with finesse to the audience. I found this delicate ability in my dear friends, Walter and Shinya, both of whom are esteemed and highly talented musician in their own right. Together we are Peter Cudek Trio.
Peter Cudek Trio may best be described as a trio unconstrained by structure. Each member commands the freedom to express their momentary states as they feel into the composition and creatively tune in to the other. Collectively, the trio creates a sound that exudes individuality in harmony through a melody.